Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tackling STRESS the functional way..

If your car needs to be serviced every 5000 km, so does your mind..

Our brain is constantly bombarded with information and requests. A brain controls bodily function subconsciously like breathing and consciously during cognitive decision. The difference between a brain and mind is, a brain is a functional organ but the mind encompasses thought processes as well as emotion. 
In example, the brain gets information that an attractive person is reciprocating a smile. Your mind flutters with excitement and is filled with fleeting thoughts of a possible romantic relationship.

Understanding the difference is important.
When we sleep, our brain rest... but does our mind rest?

Stress is incessant. When we do not invite stress, it still comes, when you sleep over a problem, stress rears its ugly head when the alarm rings in the morning. There are countless self help books and advise dispensed by wise ones on how to achieve stress free status.

I disagree with them. There is no way you can run away from stress. The moment you are born, you are stressed.. or else why would a baby cry after the first breath?

I suggest to you to EMBRACE STRESS.

Without stress, you will not be sharp. You will be enveloped with passive emotions and reactive actions. 
Meaning; you will only react when there is stimulus.

Now, let us get back to our context and our world. Be observant and you will see stress lurking everywhere.
I am not suggesting you to be on a stress patrol but observe your own action. 
Driving a car is stressful because if you think further, it carries elements of risk BUT you do not think twice when you floor the peddle or when you are tipsy. 

Why is that ? 

Your brain is already subconsciously wired TO IGNORE the stress because it assumes that nothing will happen. Driving has already been an activity that is so familiar to you because of the continuous practice you had and practice generates experience. 

Experience kills stress doesn't it ?

Do you realise that we are no longer mindful over mundane activities such as  going to the showers, brushing your teeth  and other bodily related activities. We are usually on autopilot  mode and the end results is usually what we desire. During this time, our brain commands our hands to do their jobs but our mind can be occupied with other thoughts.

At this juncture, I hope i have convinced you on 3 points:-

1) The mind and brain are 2 separate entities
2) Stress cannot be ignored, it has to be embraced and..
3) Experience can kill stress

In my next installment, i will move on to generating experiences to kill stress...

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