Self-Defense Travelling

Objective:  To share information on travelling tips for a safe and secure journey.. something  that I like to call it Self-Defense Travelling


Banned Items - PEPPER SPRAY

Just 2 weeks ago, I witnessed 2 Malaysian girls interrogated by Hong Kong police at the airport during the routine x-ray scanning at Hong Kong airport- outbound.
As efficient as they are, they detected the tiny pepper spray in their handbags. It is not about volume or aerolised content, it is about the fact that it is pepper spray.

The airport security do not just confiscate it, POLICE may CHARGE YOU FOR POSSESSION OF FIREARMS !

They will keep a police statement of you ( you have a file with the Hong Kong police ) and if there has been a previous case, you are liable for detention at the police station.

The interrogation is done by the POLICE not customs officer. The IO ( investigating officer ) will have to seek higher authority to decide  if to charge you or to let you go.
Trust me.. you may easily miss your flight due to the process.

In Hong Kong, pepper spray is classified as "arms" under the "Laws of Hong Kong". Chap 238 Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance. Without a valid license from the Hong Kong Police Force, it is a crime to possess and can result in a fine of $100,000 and to imprisonment for 14 years.

List of countries that has banned pepper spray

About The Author

Thank you !

Thank you for reading..
Have a fruitful day !